Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Ethanol versus Refined Sugar

Who knows where this will take us. Maybe leave refined sugar to the world market or the beet growers and run automobiles with the cane. Cane to ethanol is certainly more efficient than corn to ethanol.
KRT Wire 05/30/2006 Some sugar cane farmers eye ethanol as potential cash crop: "Florida, which ranks third in the country in fuel consumption, is slowly warming to the idea of ethanol - just not from sugar. Construction on the first of two ethanol fuel plants is expected to begin this summer near Tampa. The $155 million project will be privately financed and have a combined capacity to produce 100 million gallons of ethanol a year - primarily from corn brought from the Midwest, Alvarez said. The University of Florida also is seeking $20 million from the state legislature to build an on-campus ethanol research plant."

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