Friday, February 17, 2006

Dakota Beets are Best

Fertilizing Sugar Beet in Minnesota and North Dakota: "The three grower-owned cooperatives in Minnesota and North Dakota vary in their payment programs. Some programs pay strictly on net sucrose quality, which is determined by sugar beet root quantity and quality. Other programs give financial incentives for delivering higher quality sugar beet roots to the factory. In both cases quality is determined by the concentration of sucrose and impurities in the root that need to be separated during the refining process.
Optimum sugar beet production in Minnesota and North Dakota relies on a sound soil fertility program. A sound fertilizer program can enhance the quality of the sugar beet. The recommendations suggested in this publication for the supplemental application of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) are based on thirty years of scientific research in the sugar beet growing areas of Minnesota and North Dakota. "

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