Thursday, March 31, 2011


Each year dozens of homes have a yard sale on the same day. This year it will be on Saturday, May 14 from 8 am to 4 pm. The event is sponsored by our chamber of commerce and is a chance to convert stuff in our garage into cash. I suspect some of that cash goes to buying other peoples junk to sell next year. As you drive into town you will have an opportunity to purchase a map of yard sale locations. In your search you will drive by the Crockett Museum in the old SP depot at Loring and Rolph. Stop and explore some of the artifacts that made it to the Museum before leaving town in the yard sales.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

In Search of Community Roots

If you are "struck" with a desire to learn more about your town of residence, or if your third grader is seeking information, don't overlook the resource of local museums. Of course I am biased toward the Crockett Museum and Historical Society but there are many in Contra Costa County. We are located in the old Southern Pacific Depot at Loring and Rolph at the truck entrance to C & H Sugar. Another local historical society is the Pinole Historical Society. Visit them on the web. Their site will suggest other great sites.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Saint Rose Fish Fry

Friday March 25, 2011 is the day to eat a great fish dinner in the St. Rose Church hall from 11:30 am to 7:30 pm. This is the 26th year for this major Crockett event. Tickets at the door are $15 for adults and $7 for diners age 12 and below. Take the Crockett off-ramp from I-80, follow Pomona to 2nd Avenue, turn north to Starr, turn right a block and you are there. Take any parking place and follow the crowd.

This event was started 26 years ago when the immediate past pastor was reassigned to Alaska. One of his parishioner caught the fish and sent them to St. Rose, Crockett. We held the dinner and split the profits with St. Rose, Alaska. It continues today as one of the two fund-raisers of the parish.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Crockett Historical Museum Events

The meeting of the Board of Directors highlighted several topics we will be addressing during the next few months.

1. The question of whether we will seek a broadband internet connection will be pursued. The Board decided it is a good idea.
2. We will develop a policy governing the use of the Museum's non-profit status in pursuing grants. A committee was established and will prepare something for consideration at the next Board meeting in September.
3. We will determine to costs of digitizing our microfilm of the Crockett Signal and other newspapers.