With the demise of US Sugar, the C&H brand and the Domino brand will own the cane sugar market in the US. Now if the Congress would allow the importation of ethanol from Brazil, (but thats too much to ask)
Blockbuster land deal faces many obstacles: "On the other hand, another potential roadblock may be easing: Gaston Cantens, spokesman for the Fanjul family's Florida Crystals Corp., said the company now sees the U.S. Sugar buyout as a chance to acquire an even bigger share of the market.
Florida Crystals owns 31,000 acres in the district's proposed water pathway, which means the state would have to swap part of the U.S. Sugar property for the Fanjul-owned tracts.
'We see it as a positive for everyone,' Cantens said, adding: 'We are comfortable the state is committed to maintaining farming in the area"