Saturday, July 21, 2007

Green cane flames

Fire damages 40 acres of sugar cane: "WAIKAPU – An unscheduled fire Thursday night burned about 40 acres of sugar cane in a field along Kuihelani Highway near the Dunes at Maui Lani golf course, officials said.
Kahului Airport tower personnel contacted Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Co. at 6:45 p.m. with information that field 718 was on fire, according to HC&S harvesting Superintendent Mark Lopes."

This is one of the two plantations providing Hawaiian raw to C & H. It will be interesting to see the impact in Crockett.

"Processing unripened cane produces far less sugar for the same handling expense. Although plantation workers planned to salvage the cane, the premature harvest reduces the quality of the raw sugar, Howe said.
“The impact includes the danger to the community presented by arsons such as this and the disruption to HC&S’ carefully coordinated two-year-long schedule of planting, cultivating, ripening and harvesting the dozens of fields that cross the plantation,” she said.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Finally - Something Other Than Gasoline

Dow and Crystalsev Announce Plans to Make Polyethylene from Sugar Cane in Brazil:

There may be more hope than ever that we will get over the need to support sugar prices abd imports.

"The Dow Chemical Company, the world's largest producer of polyethylene, and Crystalsev, one of Brazil's largest ethanol players have announced plans for a world-scale facility to manufacture polyethylene from sugar cane.The Dow Chemical Company, the world's largest producer of polyethylene, and Crystalsev, one of Brazil's largest ethanol players have announced plans for a world-scale facility to manufacture polyethylene from sugar cane."

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Seeking Change

Since starting this blog, less and less have items of interest to the sugar refining process in Crockett have been posted. It may be because my interest is flagging (how about that). Its time to "fish or cut bait."